@startuml participant "Project Owner" as PO participant "Technical DAO" as TD participant "OrbitDB" as OD participant "Lending DeFi" as LD participant "ERC1155" as ERC loop Verification Process PO->TD: Requests Project Finance TD->OD: Stores Project Owner Data TD->OD: Verifies if eligible TD->TD: Creates Ballot for funding alt if it is Approved PO->LD: Sets Collateral TD->ERC: Requests Minting ERC->LD: Mints DECA with Allowance ERC->PO: Mints NFT TD->OD: Updates Project Data else if it is not TD-->OD: Update Status TD-->PO: Requests Update end end LD->PO: Cash out DECA initial fund (allowed) loop Development Updates PO->TD: Requests more funds PO->OD: Sends Development Proofs TD->OD: Verify Compliance TD->TD: Creates Ballot to unlock funds alt if it is Approved TD->LD: Adds Allowance for DECA Funds LD->PO: Cash out Allowed DECA else if it is not TD-->OD: Update Status TD-->PO: Requests Update end end PO->LD: Executes Mining Procress and pays CCTokens to the DAO Vault LD->ERC: Updates NFT CCTokens Created @enduml